I saw a dragonfly around my container garden

If you follow my blog, you know I live in an apartment. I have containers lining my outside space (not truly mine, it is public to all residents) I have a screened patio that faces mostly north, so I don’t get many hours of sun. I planted most of my containers with wildflowers, herbs, vegetables, and a few annual flowers. This year several things overwintered which was great for my budget. Forget-me-nots returned, sage and oregano returned (I planted those by seed last year), creeping jenny overwintered and spread to the stone below my containers too. My indoor geranium I grew all year from seed last year I put outside after taking some cuttings to root. New things I started from seed, I planted outside after checking the night temps would not dip below freezing before Memorial Day (as they have in years past). I filled my bee waterers (I have two) and put out my bird bath with solar fountain and filled it with water. I put out my hummingbird feeder and put birdseed cakes out. The bird seed cakes were devoured. I have not seen any hummingbirds yet. I did see a dragonfly the other day, flying about my plants. The ai art I have been doing every night had a daily contest for something flying. My first thought was to create a dragonfly. I did the pic above after a few tries and thought it was good enough, though far from perfect. Right away (in a few hours) I had 10 likes on it, and several more likes on my many different elephant pics. It is always curious that the pics that get likes are not the ones I thought were my best. I get it though, I scroll through to like 25 other people’s pics to get 25 credits daily too. The program I used lately takes 4 credits per pic vs the 1.5 or free ones I used in the past. All my credits on my nightcafe ai account have been free or earned by their “road to mastery” tasks.

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