Post Car Accident, Out 2 Weeks

I hit a patch of unlucky covered road. I am not sure if I hydroplaned or hit black ice, but instantly my car was out of my control. I hit the guardrail and came to a stop facing the wrong way on a major busy road. I still have bruises, a small lump on my face, pain when I step down on my foot. I hopefully will survive and my car is scheduled to be repaired later this month.

I thought I should briefly document this time. I have still kept up with my daily AI artwork attempts. It is clear I like the results much better with Dall-E 3 vs Dall-E 2. I have saved up over 400 credits now, after winning some credits for this mosaic elephant sunset pic, and accumulating points on days when it produces garbage so I wait until the next day to use my credits. “Prompts” is clearly not the deciding factor as each night I use the same prompt with varying results. The other day they produced what looked like an old woman’s selfie. I never include people in my art attempts except for the one day I attempted David Bowie Fan art. When they place a random person as the only subject in a style I never use when in my prompt is “elephant” it goes into my file of “WTF I deserve a refund”. There is no way to get my used credits back, fortunately they were free.

This is my second Dall-E 3 Picture #aiart

I used the prompt something like “mosaic bright colors, professional #elephants sanctuary workers cleaning the elephant barn while the herd of elephants graze on grasses and flowers nearby” I used the cosmic preset for this one. My prompt might have been slightly different, I did not copy it as I did not plan on this blog post at the time. Dall-E 3 is much better on being close to what I ask for in the prompt. Previously, I mostly used Dall-E 2.

It was unseasonably warm today. I found my heated growing mat to start my pepper seeds. I could not find it yesterday. I looked more thoroughly in my outdoor closet, and it was sitting on top of a non-gardening related box. I need a place for everything, and always put everything back in its place.

Leap Day on Leap Year

This is another ai art picture I made a few days ago. I am almost finished with the book I am reading, I will try to do a book report on it in a separate post. The author started the charity “Elephant Family” to preserve the Asian elephant habitat.

It is a rare cold and snowy day today, after a few record breaking warm days. It will return to above average temperatures tomorrow, hopefully melting this snow. My body does not like this cold. My knees hurt and my feet are cold.

I need to start my garden plants soon. This time last year I was obsessed with starting way to many veggies and flowers. Last year my container garden was bigger and more successful than previous years. Of course I hope to improve it this year. I need to find my warming mat to start the pepper plants. I need to decide how many and what type of tomato plants to start. I might only do cherry tomatoes this year. I am concerned I have not been spending any mental energy on my garden plans like I have in the last few years.

Jan 6’ers are Ignorant and Pathetic

I named this #AIArt pic “Dolphins and immigrants”, I hope immigrants get to experience some wonder of nature, to give them hope on their journey.

I want them to be condemned to writing a list of how they feel immigrants ruined or are ruining their life. Then I want them to have to read and discuss several real life immigrant stories. Especially from doctors, nurses, and business owners. Some might have already helped their lives or the lives of someone they know. Some might help them in the future like finding the cure for cancer, or working in a hospital or clinic nearby when they need it. I had a sweet nurse in the inpatient hospital when I was recovering the first month immediately following my stroke, she was an immigrant. In other professions such as restaurant, auto care, or construction It might even help to reduce the amount of Karen’s who can not get served fast enough. If only there were more workers to provide service for them.

All things on earth are made from the same elements that at one time was stardust. This includes people. People that believe and hang onto donald dumps lies are equal to other people trying to live on earth. Stop your ridiculous shows, rallies, and posturing. Step back and take a look at yourself. Do you need bigger boots, bigger truck wheels, bigger banners or could you use a bigger brain? I wish my brain was functioning better so I could argue with everyone of you. I hope your brainwashing is eventually broken and you can move on to live your best life, instead of one of graveling to a false idol.

Total Payout $3.35, for a vintage postcard I sold for $5

I won’t be getting rich. The amount does not even include the cost of the postage stamp, envelope, ink and time getting it ready to ship nor the initial cost of the postcard. I wish I could sell my ai art for $99 each as NFT, seems more pleasant to look at to me than donald dumpies NFTs.

I cleared off my car today to drop off the postcard I sold and the postcrossing postcards I am sending out. I am now tired and need a nap. I had hoped to scan some more postcards to list for sale, maybe I can do it later or tomorrow.

I made an elephant magnet, it is now for sale on ebay

This is not a pic of the magnet, to see the one I have for sale the link is:

I won’t be ordering any new magnets to be made to sell on ebay, until I sell 3 of the ones I just listed. On that ebay account I also have vintage postcards, some other stuff and the postcard I made from my boyfriends picture of the rare Asian elephant twins. I also have 3 other ebay accounts where I try to sell postcards, vintage books, and other small items. My sole source of income is a monthly social security disability check. I am fortunate to have an apartment that is made for disabled and elderly people. I do need a little extra income to pay down my credit card debt, get pedicures (which I consider healthcare), hair cuts, craft supplies, and all the extra things not in my monthly budget. Also, 15% of all my ebay sales goes to The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee.

Sharing more of my AI Art

I did some donkey’s instead of my usual elephants #aiart. I really like the colorful flowers and donkeys with the city in the background. That is how I like to live, away from the crowded city, but close enough to visit if I need to.

I have been dealing with a cracked tooth for over a week now. I finally got into the dentist and had an xray to confirm it was cracked, it needs to be extracted because there is no saving it. My teeth are horrible, I may have written about that before. My enamel is thin, so they always appear dark yellow brownish even though I do not drink coffee ever or smoke ever. Anyway, I was prescribed an antibiotic, so there is a little less pressure from the infection. I was kind of confused on my oral surgeon appointment not made right away, so I called myself. They were closed yesterday, they were closed for lunch when I called today. I called later and made an appointment and confirmed they did not get my xray or referral yet. I wrote down the appointment was in February, even though in my mind I was thinking it was next week…so I need to call again tomorrow to confirm.

viva 2024, let it be dumpy’s last year in the spotlight aka lock him up

This new year needs to be about peace in the world. The monsters trying to ruin it, really need to be locked up. How can people actually live with themselves after murdering people and turning cities and towns to ruble? Life is sacred (I am not religious but it takes a lot of energy for life to happen). Fraudsters, warmongers, dictators, oppressors, rapists, murderers all need to be locked up. 

We also need to do a lot more to reverse global warming.

I have still been dabbling in AI art, I made these mecha elephants. I thought it was funny they did not have their trunks. In the real world elephants use their trunks for many necessary functions.

I have been dog sitting for my granddog. He is very large. He has a large fenced yard, I don’t think I could walk him on a leash. There are also two cats in this house, just a few pets is all they want besides their food and water. I am also responsible for keeping the wood pellet stove running. It is like a full time job because I also have to care for myself. I drove through the pharmacy today, forgetting it was a holiday. Duh, of course it is a holiday why I am house and pet sitting to begin with. Hopefully I remember to drive through tomorrow to get my scripts, they already texted me a few reminders.